Register Of Interests For Cllr William Thomas

Date: 23-May-17

Planning or Minute No: 2017/0661/FUL

Planning or Minute No: Cllr William Thomas declared a personal interest in planning application 2017/0661/FUL as the applicant is a neighbour.

Date: 2-Oct-17

Planning or Minute No: F&GP – Item 10

Planning or Minute No: Declared a personal interest as his business partner is looking to donate to Mumbles Bowles Club

Date: 24-Oct-17

Planning or Minute No: s.041

Planning or Minute No: Cllr William Thomas declared an interest in Higher Lane/Thistleboon due to its proximity to the family home.

Date: 24-Oct-17

Planning or Minute No: 2017/1948/FUL

Planning or Minute No: Cllr William Thomas declared an interest in Summerland Lane Planning Application

Date: 29-Jan-18

Planning or Minute No: S.009

Planning or Minute No: Cllr Will Thomas declare a personal and prejudicial interest in the amount allocated to the Underhill project as his is a member of MCA.

Date: 13-February-18

Planning or Minute No: 049.02.18

Planning or Minute No: Declared a personal interest in item on Underhill Park/Mumbles Community Association, as he is a trustee on their board appointed my MCC.

Date: 27-Mar-18

Planning or Minute No: S.025

Planning or Minute No: Cllr Will Thomas declared a personal interest as he has campaigned on building on Summerland Lane LDP site in County Council election

Date: 24-Apr-18

Planning or Minute No: F&GP

Planning or Minute No: Cllr Will Thomas declared a personal interest in item on Mumbles Community Association, as he is a trustee on their board appointed my MCC.

Date: 22-May-18

Planning or Minute No: S.031

Planning or Minute No: Cllr Will Thomas declared a personal interest in item S.032 on Underhill Park, Mumbles Community Associaiton, as he is a trustee on their board appointed my MCC.

Date: 26-Jun-18

Planning or Minute No: S.039

Planning or Minute No: Cllr Will Thomas declared a personal interest in item S.043 as he campaigned against building on Summerland Lane LDP in county council election.

Date: 24-Jul-18

Planning or Minute No: F&GP

Planning or Minute No: Cllr Will Thomas declared a personal interest in item on Underhill Park/Mumbles Community Association, as he is a trustee on their board appointed my MCC.

Date: 14-Aug-18

Planning or Minute No: 329.08

Planning or Minute No: Cllr Will Thomas declared a personal interest in 342.08 as his son is at Oystermouth School.

Date: 11-Sep-18

Planning or Minute No: 354.09

Planning or Minute No: Cllr Will Thomas declared a personal and prejudicial interest in 354.09 as he is known to be against the development.

Date: 13-Nov-18

Planning or Minute No: 504.11.18

Planning or Minute No: Cllr William Thomas declared a personal & prejudicial interest in item 504.11 as he is Vice-Chair of Friends of Mumbles Parks

Date: 20-No-18

Planning or Minute No: S.058.2019 – to consider a response to Swansea Council’s consultation on changing the settlement boundary to include the preferred LDP site in Newton H5.5 -Summerland Lane within the settlement boundary

Planning or Minute No: Cllr Will Thomas declared a personal interest in item S.060 as he lives near the site Cllr Will Thomas declared a personal & prejudicial interest in item S.062 and he campaigned against the application and left the room when the matter was raised.

Date: 26-Jan-19

Planning or Minute No: s.004.19

Planning or Minute No: Cllr Will Thomas declared a prejudicial interest in budget item DV5 – Underhill Park Play Area Wetpour Surface – as Vice-Chair of the Friends of Mumbles Parks and left the meeting when the item was discussed.

Date: 8-Oct-19

Planning or Minute No: 2018/2634/FUL

Planning or Minute No: Cllr Will Thomas declared a Personal Interest as he had objected to the LDP site application

Date: 12 Nov-19

Planning or Minute No: 2018/2634/FUL

Planning or Minute No: Cllr Will Thomas declared a Personal Interest as he had objected to the LDP site application

Date: 22-Jan-20

Planning or Minute No: Community & Social Well-being Committee: Grant Request Friends of Mumbles Parks

Planning or Minute No: Declared a prejudicial interest as Vice-Chair of the Friends of Mumbles Parks and left room when item discussed.

Date: 11-Feb-20

Planning or Minute No: 2018/2634/FUL

Planning or Minute No: Cllr Will Thomas declared a Personal Interest as he had objected to the LDP site application

Date: 11 Feb-20

Planning or Minute No: 062.02

Planning or Minute No: Cllr Will Thomas declared in personal interest in item 062.02 as he opposed the development