Register Of Interests For Cllr Rob Marshall

Date: 22-May-17

Planning or Minute No: 2017/0929/FUL, 2017/0793/PLD 2017/0709/FUL

Planning or Minute No: Personal interest in planning applications 2017/0929/FUL, 2017/0793/PLD, 2017/0709/FUL as he knows the applicants

Date: 23-May-17

Planning or Minute No: 2017/0929/FUL, 2017/0793/PLD 2017/0709/FUL

Planning or Minute No: Personal interest in planning applications 2017/0929/FUL, 2017/0793/PLD, 2017/0709/FUL as he knows the applicants

Date: 1-Aug-17

Planning or Minute No: S.027

Planning or Minute No: Cllr Rob Marshall declared a personal interest as close friends live next door to woodland under discussion

Date: 2-Oct-17

Planning or Minute No: FG17.091

Planning or Minute No: Declared a personal interest in Item FG17.091 as Newton Neighbourhood Friends are a group he supports and helps in his ward.

Date: 2-Oct-17

Planning or Minute No: FG17.091

Planning or Minute No: Declared a personal interest in grant request from Newton Neighbourhood Friends as they are a group he supports and helps in his ward

Date: 14-Nov-17

Planning or Minute No: 422.11

Planning or Minute No: Rob Marshall declared a personal and prejudicial interest in item 473.11 as one of the people tendering is a close friend.

Date: 14-Nov-17

Planning or Minute No: 422.11

Planning or Minute No: Rob Marshall declared a personal and prejudicial interest in item 436.11 as he will be playing in the orchestra and will be paid for his performance.

Date: 21-Feb-18

Planning or Minute No: MME02.07

Planning or Minute No: Cllr Marshall declared a personal and prejudicial interest as he is the administrator and also plays for the Festival Orchestra for Wales. He left the room when the item was discussed

Date: 24-Apr-18

Planning or Minute No: Item No.9

Planning or Minute No: Cllr Marshall declared a personal and prejudicial interest as he plays for Swansea Bay Symphony Orchestra. He left the room when the item was discussed