Register Of Interests For Cllr Pamela Erasmus

Date: 27-03-18

Planning or Minute No: S027.18

Planning or Minute No: Declared a personal interest as the developer is an acquaintance.

Date: 23-May-17

Planning or Minute No: 2017/0947

Planning or Minute No: Personal and prejudicial interest in planning application 2017/0947 as the tree concerned overhangs her shed and left the meeting room when they were discussed.

Date: 16-May-17

Planning or Minute No: AN.07.17

Planning or Minute No: Declared a personal interest in item AN.18.17 – Honour of Mumbles – as she knows one of the nominees

Date: 10-Jan-17

Planning or Minute No: S.004

Planning or Minute No: Personal interest in ‘Discussion on Future of Twinning’ as her husband, Cllr Dorsett is an ex-member of the Twinning Association of Mumbles

Date: 13-Dec-16

Planning or Minute No: 2016/3487

Planning or Minute No: Personal interest in planning application 2016/3487 as she knows the applicant

Date: 13-Oct-15

Planning or Minute No: 2015/1856

Planning or Minute No: Personal interest in planning application 2015/1856 as their friends reside at the address

Date: 13-Oct-15

Planning or Minute No: 2015/1941

Planning or Minute No: Personal interest in planning application 2015/1941 as fellow councillor Paul Whittaker lives at the applicant’s address