Register Of Interests For Cllr Ian Scott

Date: 23-May-17

Planning or Minute No: 2017/0793/PLD, 2017/0686/FUL 2017/0709/FUL

Planning or Minute No: Declared personal interest in planning applications 2017/0793/PLD, 2017/0686/FUL, 2017/0709/FUL as he knows the applicants.

Date: 9-Jul-18

Planning or Minute No: 2017/1620/NMA 2017/1564/TPO

Planning or Minute No: Declared a personal interest as he knows the developer

Date: 10-Jul-17

Planning or Minute No: 20017/1373

Planning or Minute No: Declared a personal interest as he is an acquaintance with the developer

Date: 29-Mar-18

Planning or Minute No: S.27.18

Planning or Minute No: Declared a Personal Interest in item regarding sending pre-judicial letter to C&CS because he has been involved in the opposition to the Summerland Lane development.

Date: 9-July-18

Planning or Minute No: 2018/1285/S73

Planning or Minute No: Declared a personal interest as he is friends with the developer

Date: 9-Jul-18

Planning or Minute No: 2018/1168FUL

Planning or Minute No: Declared a personal interest as he is friends with the developer

Date: 10-Jul-18

Planning or Minute No: 2018/1168FUL

Planning or Minute No: Declared a personal interest as he is friends with the developer

Date: 6-Aug-18

Planning or Minute No: S.050.18

Planning or Minute No: Declared a prejudicial interest in item as a former objector to the Summerland Lange planning application.

Date: 20-Aug-18

Planning or Minute No: 2018/1752/FUL

Planning or Minute No: Cllr Ian Scott declared a Personal interest in the application for 3 Slade Road Newton Swansea SA3 4UE he lives in Slade Road and knows the applicant

Date: 17-Sep-18

Planning or Minute No: Planning Committee Agenda Item Land off Summerland Lane

Planning or Minute No: Declared a personal interest as a former objector to the planning application at Summerland Lane.

Date: 20 Nov- 18

Planning or Minute No: s.058.18

Planning or Minute No: Cllr Ian Scott declared a personal & prejudicial interest in item S.062 – To consider a response to Swansea Council’s consultation on changing the settlement boundary to include the preferred LDP site in Newton H5.5 -Summerland Lane within the settlement boundary –as he objected to the development, and left the room when the matter was raised.

Date: 27-Nov-18

Planning or Minute No: S.065.18

Planning or Minute No: Cllr Ian Scott declared a personal & prejudicial interest in item S.068 and he was an objector to the development and left the room when the matter was raised.

Date: 14-May-19

Planning or Minute No: 230.05.19

Planning or Minute No: Cllr Ian Scott, Item 230.05. Personal and Prejudicial interest. Payment of personal expenses for attending the launch of Wales in Bloom on behalf of the Council

Date: 8-Oct-19

Planning or Minute No: 440.10

Planning or Minute No: Cllr Ian Scott declared a personal interest in 440.10 – Higher Lane: Commissioning of Independent Report, as he has lodged an objection to the planning application.

Date: 11-Nov-19

Planning or Minute No: Item on the Response to the Welsh Audit Office Report

Planning or Minute No: Cllr Ian Scott declared a prejudicial interest and left the meeting as he is named in the report.

Date: 12-Nov-19

Planning or Minute No: 2018/2634/FUL

Planning or Minute No: Cllr Ian Scott declared a personal interest in 477.11 Higher Lane – as he has lodged an objection to the planning application.

Date: 11-Feb-20

Planning or Minute No: 2018/2634/FUL

Planning or Minute No: Cllr Ian Scott declared in personal interest in item 062.02 as he opposed the development.